Prohibited baggage:
Passengers are not permitted to carry into the security restricted area and the cabin of an aircraft the following items (without limitation):

1. Guns, firearms or other weapons; Any object capable, or appearing capable, of discharging a projectile or causing injury, including: All firearms (pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns etc.), replica and imitation firearms, component parts of firearms, (excluding telescopic sighting devices & sights), air pistols, rifles and pallet guns, signal flare pistols, starter pistols, toy guns of all types, ball bearing guns, industrial bolt and nail guns, cross bows, catapults, harpoon & spear guns, animal humane killers; or stun or shocking devices, cattle prods, ballistic conducted energy weapons (taser), lighters shaped like a firearm;

2. Pointed/edged weapons & sharp objects, or pointed or bladed articles capable of causing injury. These include the following: Axes & hatchels; arrows & darts; crampons; harpoons & spears; ice axes & ice picks; ice skates; lockable or flick knives with blades of any length, knives with blades of more than 6 cm, made of metal on any other material hard enough to be used as a potential weapon, meat cleavers, machetes, open razors and blades (excluding safety or disposable razors with blades enclosed in cartridge), sabers, swords & swordsticks, scalpels, scissors with blades more than 6cm in length, ski and walking/ hiking poles, throwing stars; or tradesman's tools that have the potential to be used as a pointed or edged weapon e.g. drills and drill bits, box cutters, utility knives, all saws, screwdrivers, crowbars, hammers, pliers, wrenches/spanners, blow torches. 

3. Blunt instruments, or any blunt instrument capable of causing injury. These include the following: Baseball and softball bats, clubs or batons rigid or flexible e.g. billy clubs, blackjacks, night sticks & batons, crickets bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, kayak and canoe paddles, skateboards, billiard, snooker and pool cues, fishing rods. 

4. Martial arts equipment e.g. knuckle dusters, clubs, coaches, ice flails, nunchucks, kubatons, kubasaunts;

5. Explosives and flammable substances, or any explosive or highly combustible substances which pose a risk to the health of Passengers and crew or the security/safety of the aircraft. These include the following: Ammunition, blasting caps, detonators & fuses, explosives and explosive devices, replica or imitation explosive military stores, grenades of all types, gas & gas containers e.g. butane, propane, acetylene, oxygen in large volume, fireworks, flares in any form and other pyrotechnics (including party poppers and toy caps), strike-anywhere matches, smoke generating canisters or cartridges, flammable liquid fuel e.g. petrol/gasoline, diesel, lighter fluid, alcohol, ethanol, aerosol spray paint, turpentine & paint thinner. 

6. Alcoholic beverages exceeding 70% by volume (140 proof). Packages containing up to 5 litres of alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of between 24%-70% are, however, permitted.

7. Chemical and toxic substances; or any chemical or toxic substances which pose a risk to the health of Passengers and crew or the security/safety of the aircraft. These include the following: Acids and alkalis e.g. spoilable wet batteries;, corrosive or bleaching substances- g. mercury, chlorine, disabling or incapacitating sprays- e.g. mace, pepper spray, tear gas, radioactive material- e.g. medicinal or commercial isotopes, poisons, infectious or biological hazardous material- e.g. infected blood, bacteria and virus, material capable of spontaneous ignition or combustion; or fire extinguishers. 

The following articles shall not be placed in Checked Baggage: Explosives, including detonators, flares, grenades, mines and explosives, gases including: propane, butane, flammable liquids, including gasoline, methanol, flammable solids and reactive substances, including magnesium, firelights, fireworks, flares, oxidizers and organic peroxides, including bleach, car body repair kits, toxic or infectious substances, including rat poison, infected blood, radioactive material, including medicinal or commercial isotopes, corrosives, including mercury, vehicle batteries; or vehicle fuel system components which have contained fuel.

The following items should not be included in your Checked Baggage, but should be carried with you at all times: money, jewellery, valuable metals, computers, personal electronic devices, securities, medicine, negotiable papers or other valuable items, business documents, passports or identification documents. 

We shall bear no liability whatsoever in case you fail to comply with these restrictions and incur any damage as a result. 

As of 06/11/2006, security measures were put into effect at all airports in the European Union (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1546/06) regarding liquids carried in Unchecked Baggage. According to the European Regulation, such items (e.g. water, alcohol and beverages, gel, cream, glue, lotion, perfume, shampoo, mascara, lip gloss, hair spray, toothpaste, shaving foam, aerosols, contact lens solution, honey, marmalade, soup, olive oil, any other item of similar consistency) have been added to the list of prohibited articles that you may not carry on board, unless certain conditions are met. The European Regulation is applied in addition to the existing rules for items that are not allowed to be carried on board an aircraft and affects only the liquid items in your Unchecked Baggage and not Checked Baggage.

Items that can be carried as Unchecked Baggage: 
1. Liquid items, in individual containers with a capacity no greater than 100 ml. They have to be contained in one transparent plastic re-sealable bag of a maximum capacity not exceeding 1 litre. This plastic re-sealable bag is limited to one per Passenger and must be sealed and delivered to the Security Screening separately for examination.

2. Liquids required for medical or dietary purposes and baby foods which are to be used during the trip. You may be asked for proof that they are needed during the trip.

3.   Products that are sold in shops beyond the Security Screening points (Duty Free Shops). These products should be placed in a special sealed bag. This special sealed bag, which is provided by the aforementioned shops, must not be opened before you are screened – otherwise the contents may be confiscated at the checkpoint. If you transfer at an EU airport and in Norway, Iceland and Switzerland do not open the bag before screening at your transit airport, or at the last one if you transfer more than once. All these liquids are additional to the quantities in the re-sealable plastic bag mentioned above.
Security screening staff is obliged to ask you to dispose of any liquid products that do not comply with the conditions of the new European Regulation. Such items will be sent for recycling as useless.

Please note that the above list of restricted or hazardous items in this article is merely indicative and non-exhaustive. Carrying hazardous items on board is subject to penalties. Please consult us before your trip about the items you wish to carry, to establish whether they fall into these categories or seek additional information on our website.

We are not responsible for any damage or loss you may incur as a result of the prohibitions regarding importation of these items in your country of destination. You are therefore advised to obtain relevant information from the local authorities of that country.

Any Checked Baggage carried as per the terms of these Conditions of Carriage shall be delivered to the bearer of the Baggage Check who has paid the Carrier the amount of fees payable under the Contract of Carriage or the Carrier's Invoice. In case of Damage in Checked Baggage, a claim may only be filed against the Carrier after a written complaint has been filed with the Carrier by the person entitled to recover the Baggage, essentially within seven (7) days - or twenty-one (21) days, in case of delay - from the date the baggage was made available to the Passenger. 

Checked Baggage Recovery
Checked Baggage shall be recovered by the Passengers as soon as it is made available to them at the destination or transit airport. The person holding the Baggage Check issued upon check-in is exclusively entitled to recover or demand to be delivered the Baggage. In any case, Baggage may only be delivered to a person not presenting a Baggage Check if that person proves beyond doubt to our reasonable satisfaction that he/she is the legitimate holder of the Baggage. We are under an obligation to keep Baggage that was not timely claimed in our safe custody for a maximum period of three (3) months. In these situations storage and custody charges may apply.  

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